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The mammozoic NFT collection will include 4 classes of dinosaur species from Light to Ultra with 9 species in each class. Each species will have 50 unique warrior NFTs.

Light Scouts

Light Scouts


The first light scout dinosaur from the mammozoic. The styracosaurus boasts a might nose horn and frill adorned with spikes. Enemies think twice about attacking this beast from the front! 

The next light scout from the mammozoic is struthiomimus. This dinosaur sacrifices defence for speed, making it the perfect ride for sending messages between the tribes.


This dinosaur is great for hauling goods. It can put on a burst of speed to get away from trouble when needed. But it's not a good idea to take on any nasty carnivores


Watch the tail! This light scout offers great rear protection and multiple attachment points for add-ons. 

Accelerate to ramming speed with this light scout dinosaur. A good balance of speed with an offensive charge.

With a club tail to keep attackers at bay and a heavily armoured covering, this light scout is the toughest of the bunch.

Light Scout 7 tbc
Light Scout 8 tbc
Light Scout 9 tbc

The 7th light scout is yet to be confirmed

The 8th light scout is yet to be confirmed

The 9th light scout is yet to be confirmed


Remaining Dinosaurs to be announced.


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